We all suffer by Kevin Wikse.

"Put a rusty nail in it!" Obsidian Knife chastised me as we drilled some rough-and-tumble skills for controlling the opponent's inside. My thumb stab to his ear drum wasn't yet weaponized enough for him. My grave error of affording my enemy a moment of safety would not go unpunished. He kicked at me as he further berated me and my Twinkie-flavored white-bread culture. I laughed in response but minded those bullwhip front kicks. His kicks were lightning-fast. He had a habit of obliterating an opponent's knees on the trajectory up to their nutsack with his rocket-powered foot. In addition, he could cover far more distance than you might guess by exploding forward off his back leg. His kicking skills contained a wicked "rusty nail.: An opponent never has the luxury of safety. That is a commodity for which we are perpetually out of stock. Now, severe injury, maiming, permanent disfigurement, crippling, and, of course, straight-up death, on the other hand...well,...